This blog contains information about Police Scanning, and other information pertaining to this hobby. This site actually contains police and fire incidents from the City of Stockton, CA, and County of San Joaquin. Download or listen to the records by clicking on the link and you will taken to the recordings page.


12/10/08 Police shoot resident of a home they thougt two Suspects may have entered after a short foot pursuit, Man shot was innocent.

This was bad shooting by the Stockton Police Department, the man who they shot was innocent, he came to the door armed because he heard commotions outside of his home, he was not related to the subjects that fled, and it is my understanding they have never been found. The Officer's used poor judgement, and thought the subjects were corned inside the home they surrounded, when in reality the subjects were already outside the perimiter.. The wife who called 911 was fearful to answer the door, she spoke Filipino, and when the homeowner came to his door with his weapon with a laser, he was doing so because he believed that someone was trying to enter his home. There was no way that a person in complete darkness can see the uniforms the Stockton Police wear, because they are all black, the only thing that has any color is their patches on their sleeves and jackets.

This man that was shot was not coming to harm the police, he was hard working man, who felt danger he was protecting himself and his wife, and how could a police officer just shoot through the door when they cannot even see the target that is a threat. The officers took their time, in responding to the fact they already new they had shot somebody, they checked another home, even though the wife gave them the correct information. This shooting is one of the worst cases I have heard of, understandably the officer may have felt threatened, but through a closed or doorway or even in the darkness how can you make the right decision to use deadly force. The Stockton Police should be held accountable, and this is a shameful travesty on their parts.

Around 0130 hrs SPD attempted to stop a Honda with expired tags. After initially pulling over, the driver of the Honda took off. A short pursuit ensued with the SGT calling the pursuit off because of speeds on surface streets of 70. The Honda crashed into a parked car and two subjects fled on foot. Stockton P.D Officers cornered a subject at home and were apparently attempting to take one subject into custody when a male exited his home armed with a handgun. An Officer fearing for his and other Officers safety shot the man. The person shot was not one of the subjects who were fleeing from the Honda.

A person inside of the residence that the police thought they had a subject cornered, called 911 and stated that a subject shot through the door at her husband. Police discovered a man who had been shot. Victim was pronounced dead at the scene. The details of what happened are not clear. By listening to the radio traffic it is clear that shots are fired. The wife of the victim calls 911 and tells the dispatcher that her husband was shot through the door by a Hispanic male (the officer who fired his weapon is Hispanic), unknown if commands were giving for the subject to drop his gun. Listen to the recording and make your own opinion.

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